We had then much fun picking strawberries back in June (bated from the sunroof incident) that we decided

to take a trip out to some other one of the pick-your-own farms for some fall apple picking goodness.

Anyone recognize the sling? It looks so different from when Corbin first started using it!

Little girl picking an apple

The day was lovely, and Stribling Orchard where nosotros went was absolutely gorgeous. That whole area is beautiful, and I wish we could live out there without Ant having a 2+ hour commute. I'm sure he wouldn't be too fond of that, and I'd probably exist pretty aggravated too if he never got dwelling house until afterward 8pm. Oh well.

Dad holding up girl to pick apples

Reli was a scrap upset at first that she was too curt to reach more than one or two by herself,

only with a niggling help from Daddy, we had our bag filled upwardly in no time at all.

Baby helping Mom pick apples

Corbin fifty-fifty got in on the picking action,

and we concluded up leaving with a hefty 10 pound bag of apples!

Later a few samples of form…

Baby trying to eat an apple

Most of the farms and orchards are closed for the season past now,

but I can't wait to go for raspberries and peaches next summertime.

Do you have a favorite option-your-own fruit or veggie?

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